
Welcome, Good Day LA!

We’re so excited to welcome the crew from Good Day LA on Wednesday, June 5th starting at 7am. Watch the live stream (or recording) at! 

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Office of the Secretary of Defense: Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Recognizes Traders Loan and Jewelry as a Patriotic Employer

For offering outstanding continued support to Senior Airman SrA John Cowart, ANG throughout his devoted service to this country, our own Diane Taylor of Traders Loan and Jewelry has been graciously awarded the Patriot Award. The Patriot Award is a privilege bestowed upon only the most remarkable civilians; people who[…]

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How To Win On Valentine’s Day

If you’re in a relationship, the 14th of February can be the most romantic day of your year — or it can be the source of a great deal of stress and disappointment. “Will she like what I get her?” “Will he think it’s too much?” Questions like these have different answers[…]

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Its November, and you Know What that Means. It’s Christmas Time!

You’re kidding yourself if you don’t think we are already in the Holiday season! Yes it is already that time of year where retail stores all around have put away the Halloween decorations and are now “decking the halls” with Christmas now just around the corner. Deny it all you[…]

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Getting a Loan From a Pawn Shop

In more ways than one, getting a loan from a pawn shop usually defies expectations. People see television shows about pawn stores and may enter into a pawn shop with an idea in their head about how the experience is going to go. But, in reality, most pawn customers are[…]

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